ENT Surgery

Operation Time: – Hours

Anesthesia Type: General

Recovery Time: – Week

Prominent ear, to put it simply, is the greater than normal angle of the ear with the skull and/or the absence of folds that should be in the auricle.
Prominent ear surgery is one of the most frequently performed aesthetic operations, although not as much as rhinoplasty.

Prominent ear is present in 5% of the white race.

Approximately 50% of patients with prominent ear deformities also have a family history.
By the age of 3, 85% of the auricle growth is completed and by the age of 5, most of the cartilage growth is completed.

Operation age:

Surgery may be considered for patients who need otoplasty at the age of 5 and after, when the auricle growth is almost complete.

Advantages of otoplasty at a young age:

– While the ear cartilage is more elastic and foldable in otoplasty performed at a young age, its elasticity decreases with advancing age and surgery that requires more cartilage intervention may be required.
-Children can be cruel. Therefore, we recommend pre-school to avoid psychological trauma in the environment of friends.
* Apart from this, this operation can be performed at any age in the future.

Operation technique:

-Technically, the operation scar is not visible since we perform the operation with the help of an incision behind the ear.

-Operation time is approximately 1 hour.

– While it is done in the hospital under general anesthesia in children, we can do it with local anesthesia more in adults.

-You can be discharged on the same day. The swelling disappears in 2-3 weeks. The edema becomes vague in 3 months. You can return to your home on the day of the operation.

Healing process:

Due to the effect of local anesthesia, there is no pain for about 4 hours after the operation, you will feel a slight pain afterwards and it is not at a level that will affect your daily life. Buddha relaxes you with the painkillers we give.
A bandage is applied to the patient’s ear for the first five days, then it is recommended to wear a tennis band or hair band for 2 weeks to protect from trauma. You can take a short warm shower on the 5th day after the operation. Since dissolving stitches are used in the operation, you will not have any stitches to be removed. After the prominent ear operation, the ear may swell slightly and discoloration may occur. These will pass in a few days. You can do light-paced exercises that do not tire you two weeks after the operation. After the 3rd week, you will be better aware of the new shape of your ear, you will not feel the need to hide it with your hair and you will start enjoying it. Prominent ear aesthetics is an operation that gives good and permanent results in general, improves the mental health of the person, increases his self-confidence and makes him more connected to life.