Operation Time: – hours

Anesthesia Type: General

Recovery Time: – Week

It is the eyebrow shape that makes the person angry, angry, tired, confused, unhappy or happy. For this reason, women can pay more attention to their eyebrows and eyelids when applying make-up. Although we are not aware of it, eyebrows are one of the most important structures on our face. The eyebrow shape also determines the meaning and expression of the face.

While brow lift aesthetics may be sufficient alone in young and middle-aged patients, eyelid aesthetics, forehead and temple stretching can be added to this in later ages. The eyebrow tissue that loosens with aging sags with the effect of gravity and can distort the shape of the upper eyelid.
Eyebrow aesthetics should be planned individually according to each facial structure. The color and thickness of the eyebrow should be in harmony with the face. Because just raising eyebrows is not enough. An eyebrow that is incompatible with skin and hair does not look aesthetic. It is necessary to look at the eyebrow as a whole. Its angle, edge, color, density, thickness, length, elevation should be well planned and are very important.
The method to be preferred for eyebrow aesthetics is determined by the condition of the eyebrow, the patient’s expectation, the size and cause of the deformation and the age of the patient. Among the surgical methods, eyebrow lifting, eyebrow contouring, eyebrow transplantation, filling and eyebrow aesthetics are performed with the rope suspension method, from medical applications with botox.
The duration of the brow lift is 6 months for botox, 12 months for fillers, an average of two years with the sling method, and finally an average of 4 years for surgery.

It is the beginning of indispensable applications. Although not as much as before, there is still a prejudice against botox. The main reason for this is that the appearance of people who have made many aesthetic applications is attached to botox. However, the main effect of botox is to make you look like 5-10 years ago.
Its mechanism of action; it temporarily paralyzes the muscle by attaching to the target areas in the muscles in the direct application area. Therefore, the duration of activity varies depending on your metabolic rate.
Average duration of activity is 4-6 months.
Application time is 5 minutes.
Swelling or redness after the application disappears in half an hour.
You start to see the activity after day 3. You will see the full activity after two weeks.

Post-procedure recommendations:
-Do not lie down for at least 4 hours after the procedure
-Do not massage the treatment area
-Do not drink alcohol
-Do not exercise
-Stay away from sauna and hammam
-You can take a shower and do many of your daily activities

Who is Botox not applied to?
Botox is not applied to pregnant women and breastfeeding women. It is not applied to those with muscle disease such as myasthenia gravis. Other than that, it can be applied to everyone.
Is there an age limit for Botox?
Botox can be applied to anyone who is an adult.
How is Botox treatment applied?
A very small amount of Botox is applied to the area where the wrinkles will be removed with very thin and small needles. Since very small amounts of drugs are given with very small needles, there is very little discomfort. Many patients feel very little pain. Does not require anesthesia. It is possible to return to daily life immediately after Botox application. Rarely, temporary bruising and redness may occur.

We use hyaluronic acid as filler
It can be applied to any part of the face.
Results can be seen immediately.
Slight edema, swelling or bruising may be seen in the first 48 hours. At the end of two weeks, the final result is seen.
It is locally numbed beforehand with anesthetic creams.
Although the processing time varies according to the region, the average is 10 minutes.
The effectiveness of the filler is on average 12 months.

None of us want to look as old as we really are. Some of us look even older than our chronological age due to genetics, health conditions, smoking, excessive alcohol use or repeated unprotected sun damage.

How is sling therapy effective?

First, it mechanically results in instant skin lifting. Second, it shrinks adipose tissue to cause instant skin tightening. Third, it supports collagen production and neovascularization to renew your skin at the cellular level. All of these work together to give you improved skin texture, fewer fine lines and wrinkles, and more supple skin.

Areas where it is used:

-Brow lift
-Face lift
-Fox eyes
-Chin contour
– Tickle tidying up

Curious about

– The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes on average, and you can easily return to your daily life activities after the procedure.
– We prevent you from feeling any pain during the procedure by providing local anesthesia before the procedure.
-you can see the activity immediately after the transaction
It is effective up to two years on average.
There may be swelling and minimal pain after the procedure, it is temporary.
-The procedure does not cause a permanent mark on your face

Points to be considered after the hanger:

-You have to be careful for the first two weeks.
– Preferably sleep on your back
-Avoid procedures that require you to keep your mouth open (dental treatment, laughing, etc.)
– Avoid trauma
-Stay away from sauna and hammam