Operation Time: 3 hours

Anesthesia Type: General

Recovery Time: 1 Week

Rhinoplasty is one of the most common aesthetic interventions due to the fact that the nose is in the middle of the face. In today’s world, with the dominance of social media and the increase in visual appearance, the interest in this surgery is increasing day by day even at an early age.

I want to have revision rhinoplasty, but should I be afraid?

With the increase in rhinoplasty operations, our experience with revision rhinoplasty has also increased. If your expectations as a rhinoplasty candidate as a rhinoplasty candidate do not match the reality (the potential result of your nose), even if you have the best surgeon, you will not be happy even if that surgeon gives you the best results. A good consultation with your doctor is important.
It would not be wrong to compare the nose to a surprise egg in revision surgeries. Because we do not know what will come out of it and what surprises we will encounter. Mostly, we need cartilage. Therefore, we can remove cartilage from your rib or ear. This means a second surgical scar. However, the trace in the ear remains right behind the ear . The scar on the rib is an initial incision of 3 cm just under the breast. This becomes vague in the long run.
Revision nose surgeries are almost the same as the first rhinoplasty surgeries in terms of recovery time.

When is the earliest rhinoplasty done?

Rhinoplasty can be performed at the age of 17 for men and at the age of 16 for women. Generally, these ages are seen as early for families. However, if the person has an obsession with his/her appearance, it will be beneficial for his/her psychosocial development to get rid of this obsession at the earliest period. Because I see the time from the age of 16-17, when the surgery can be performed at the earliest, to the date of surgery as lost time.

What is the best season for rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty can be done safely in all seasons. However, winter months can be one step ahead in terms of comfort. Disadvantages of hot sunny periods;
-The possibility of nosebleeds is slightly higher
– Post-operative itching in the nose due to sweating
-We do not recommend glasses for at least 3 months
– It is not recommended to swim for at least 2 weeks, preferably 1 month
-Sunspots due to sensitivity on the skin after surgery (We recommend at least 3 months of sun protection.

What is the most appropriate technique for rhinoplasty?

The most suitable technique for rhinoplasty is the technique in which your doctor achieves the best results. However, to say it can be done open and closed. Both have advantages over each other. While your doctor can fully control your nose with the open technique, the recovery of the nose can be relatively faster in the closed technique. Apart from that, the most obvious difference is open. In the technique, it is a 3mm skin incision that remains vaguely over time just below the tip of your nose.
Although I use both techniques in my own practice, I often use the piezo (ultrasonic) technique in combination with the open technique. With the piezo technique, we shape your nasal bones by cutting them with ultrasonic sound waves without breaking them. In this way, postoperative edema and bruising can be less.

Who should have rhinoplasty?

Surgery can be performed if the patient’s expectations about the defects detected match the results his doctor can give. Exceptions to this are age, some chronic diseases and psychological disorders.
It should not be forgotten that those who have reasonable expectations, not those who expect perfect results, will be happy with rhinoplasty.

What is the importance of skin thickness in rhinoplasty?

Skin thickness is an important factor in rhinoplasty. In order to achieve a good result, it should neither be thick nor thin. As a surgeon, we work under the skin of your nose, if your skin is thick, it will show less of what we do, if it is thin, it will show all kinds of defects. We try to correct the disadvantages of skin thickness as much as we can. If the skin is thick, we try to eliminate the disadvantages with grafting methods, if it is thin, with camouflage techniques.

I have a nose filling, can I have surgery?
Nasal filling is not an obstacle to surgery. We dissolve your filling before or directly during the operation. However, it is a factor that complicates the surgery during the operation. Since your doctor does not know your original state, the probability of encountering a surprise increases. At the same time, since the fillings with high volume stretch your skin, it may take time for your skin to settle after the operation. .

What should I pay attention to before the operation?

– If you have any chronic disease before the operation, you should follow your doctor’s recommendations about your chronic disease.
-Smoking and alcohol should be stopped at least one week before.
-Since smoking impairs wound healing, you should not use it for two weeks, especially after surgery.
-Green tea etc. Herbal teas should be discontinued 1 week before as they increase the possibility of bleeding during and after surgery.
-Aspirin etc. blood

Diluting drugs and anti-inflammatory painkillers should be discontinued one week before the operation, as they increase the possibility of bleeding.
You should stop eating and drinking at least 8 hours before your surgery.
-Male patients should have a beard shave.
-Female patients should not wear nail polish or make-up on the day of surgery and should leave all kinds of rings and earrings at home.
-Come to the hospital in comfortable clothes. It is especially important for your comfort after the surgery to bring buttoned or wide-collar pajamas with you.
– You must have a covid test that will not be older than three days before the surgery.
– You must be at the hospital at least 3 hours before the operation.
-Arnica etc. You can start using anti-bruise creams the day before the surgery.

What to do after rhinoplasty surgery?

-Cold application; Ice should be applied for an average of 15 minutes, preferably on the cheeks and forehead, and a half-hour break should be given.
After 3.5 hours after coming to the patient’s bed, he can be fed orally, preferably with soft, liquid foods (soup, pasta, yoghurt, puree, fruit juice, etc.).
-It is not recommended to stand up and walk until you are fed orally, as it may cause accidents due to low blood pressure. It is recommended to take plenty of walking to prevent edema after oral feeding.
– In the hospital, the head of the bed should be at least 45 degrees above. At home, it is recommended to sleep with at least two pillows. You should make sure that your head is up for at least 4 days.
-Arnica etc. You can use your anti-bruise cream.
-There is a plastic protector on your nose, which we call plaster, and there are silicone pads with tunnels inside your nose that will not prevent you from breathing. You have to keep it open with the seawater sprays provided to you.
– Especially in the first 48 hours (sometimes it may take a little longer) discharges mixed with blood are normal. Therefore, there will be gauze in the mustache area just under your nose that prevents these leaks. You can change it from time to time until the leak is gone. You can remove it when the leaks stop.
– After the surgery day, you can take a shower so that no water touches your nose. In the first week of your surgery, you can take a shower so that your nose is wet before you come to your control.
-The swelling on your face generally becomes vague at the end of two weeks. 70% of the edema in your nose goes away in three months, 95% in 1 year. Of course, the times may vary depending on the thickness of your skin.